
Developer zone

We need your help!

This is a distributed, volunteer project and we welcome additional contributors. If you’re keen to help out, a good start is to monitor the mailing lists. You’ll soon begin to recognize the areas where your assistance and expertise can make a difference.

Source code

Make contributions (e.g., code patches), feature requests, and file bug reports by submitting issues or pull requests on the GitHub pages linked below. For any bigger changes, discussion on the mailing lists is recommended even before starting.

Useful information on how to contribute new features to SciPy is contained in HACKING.txt, please read it. Also, take a look at the NumPy developer guide for information on practical issues.

If your contribution would be large, e.g., expanding functionality to a scientific field not currently covered, it may make sense to at least at first start it as an independent project. Check SciKits about how to write independent add-on packages.

Note that NumPy contains the most basic numerical functionality, and SciPy is layered on top of NumPy to provide a much wider range of capabilities. You need NumPy for SciPy to work.


Code repository


Code repository

Interested people can get repository write access as well. This usually requires a developer “vouching” for you, which happens more easily if you already made a number of patch contributions.

On packaging

For the majority of users who do not want to build the code from source, binary installers that “just work” are the key to using SciPy. Producing these after the coding is finished is the Packaging Team’s job.

Making Source and Binary Releases

A releasable tarball gets made from the sources following a straightforward procedure (see HOWTO_RELEASE.txt). To make an official release to the community, the release manager typically makes a series of test releases and announces them on the mailing lists. After getting feedback, the release manager makes a final release, posts it, and announces it on the mailing lists.

Getting Releases Into Distribution

Linux distributions and many others pick up our packages and deliver them to users as part of larger collections.